Wedding & Christening Invitations

Personalized Wedding & Christening Invitations

Economisește timp și bani în timp ce îți impresionezi invitații

Nu doar o invitație, ci un sistem de management

Purple shape
Invitatii Evenimente

1 + 1 = 3

Purple shape
Invitatii Evenimente

Everlasting Bonds

Online wedding invitations with personalized designs

A special event needs a tailor-made invitation, one that reflects the style and personality of the couple. To create the model that perfectly outlines your love story, you will start from a demo version and, with the help of special tools, you will create your own model – unique, personal and special. You can use the images available in the gallery or upload your own photos. You can find inspiration in our texts or you can write your thoughts in the digital window. You can change the color scheme and provide additional details for the locations on the map.

What in the past was just a formality, an elegant one, through which the future bride and groom expressed their desire to have their loved ones close, today is a true experience. Now, technology blends harmoniously with the rhythm of love and together they give birth to the most beautiful personalized wedding invitations.

The advantages of digital wedding invitations

In addition to the digital invitation, SaveTheDate becomes the ideal partner in the management of the organization. In other words, when you choose one of our online wedding invitation templates, you also choose personalized assistance. Everything becomes much easier when you have a whole list of advantages in front of you:

  • You choose your favorite invitation from a lot of templates. You can find both simple and sophisticated wedding invitations on the site, which you can personalize with texts and images;
  • You send the invitation online and can notify your loved ones when there are changes in the program;
  • The invitations contain the location map. This way, it will be much easier to gather all your loved ones in one place;
  • You can create the table seating directly from the platform and also add a list of special menus here;
  • You have access to the confirmation list, anywhere and anytime;
  • You can create a personalized task list.